【预告】GAMS 高级应用工作坊:农业与经济建模


Food Systems Modeling Workshop
“Advanced GAMS and Its Use in Agriculture andEconomic Modeling”
May 15-18, 2019, Hangzhou


本次活动旨在为国内农业经济及相关学科的青年教师和研究生提供一个互动平台,深入学习了解GAMS 的建模的高级技巧、GAMS软件与Python以及R等其他软件的拓展互动、一般均衡和局部均衡模型及其开发应用,从而提高经济建模能力和研究水平。

活动具体内容 Training Contents
5月15日 May 15
Check-in 报到注册
5月16日 May 16
上午 Morning
1.0 Brief Opening, Orientation
1.1Advanced GAMS Techniques Part I
• Sets - Dynamic, Single- and Multidimensional
• Dollar commands (e.g. complex conditional statements)
• Model Analysis and Debugging
• Debugging Model Instances

下午 Afternoon
2.1 Advanced GAMS Techniques Part II
• Solver attributes and optimizing solver performance
• Control variables and Use of % signs
• Stochastic Programming in GAMS
• Mixed Integer Modeling
• Parallel Computing

5月17日 May 17
上午 Morning
2.2 Link to other software: Interaction with Python and R

2.3 Partial Equilibrium Model and CGE model
• A GAMS Global  Agricultural Partial Equilibrium Trade Model (PEATSim 3.0):  Main Features and Applications

• Structural Change, Economic growth and the role of agriculture

5月18日  May18  Check-out  结束离校


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Steven Dirkse
Dr. Steven Dirkse received his PhD in Computer Science from UW-Madison in 1994. After a year of teaching math and CS at Calvin College, he joined the staff at GAMS Development in 1995, becoming Director of Optimization in 2003 and President in 2016. His primary focus has been in software development, notably solvers and solver links, data utilities, multi-threading, and quality control and performance testing. He has also consulted on optimization projects with several GAMS clients during this time.Steve has published in many leading journals, gives lectures at conferences, and is an active member of the community: e.g., he is a past Director and current Secretary/Treasurer of the INFORMS Computing Society. As part of his thesis research he developed the PATH solver for Mixed Complementarity Problems (MCP), a robust, large-scale solver that was a great leap forward in solving MCP. For the work on the PATH solver he was awarded the Beale-Orchard-Hayes Prize in 1997.

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Michael Bussieck
Dr. Michael Bussieck has a PhD in Mathematics from Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany. He worked from 1998 to 2004 at GAMS Development in Washington DC, USA as a senior optimization analyst. Since 2004 he has also been a managing partner of GAMS Software GmbH, leading the GAMS software development group. In addition to his development responsibilities, he frequently engages in customer optimization projects that deliver cutting-edge optimization technology to clients from industry (energy, automotive, and chemical), the military, and government throughout Europe and the US.Michael has published in many first class optimization journals, frequently gives lectures at international conferences, and leads the academic outreach program at GAMS. He also serves as a member in the advisory board of the German OR Society.


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Frederik Proske
Frederik Proske is an Operations Research Analyst at GAMS Software GmbH. He received his master’s degree in industrial engineering from the Leibniz University Hannover, Germany. In 2018 he joined the GAMS team after working as a student employee for one year. He has gained experience in software development and project management in the area of mathematical programming. His core competencies are projects in the field of operations research - mostly scheduling problems - that provide customers with powerful optimization software. He regularly gives lectures at universities and international conferences.

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Xinshen Diao
Xinshen Diao is the Deputy Division Director and a Senior Research Fellow in the Development Strategy and Governance Division of International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and a flagship leader for the CGIAR’s Policy, Institution, and Market Research Program (PIM). She received PhD in applied economics from University of Minnesota in 1995, and has extensive experience in research on economic development, growth and poverty reduction; intersectoral linkages; regional integration and dynamics; and agricultural policies and institutional changes in Africa at the country level in Ethiopia, Ghana, Nigeria, Rwanda, and Tanzania and at regional level. She has published more than 100 articles in various peer-reviewed economic journals, IFPRI books and monographs, and external book chapters. Before coming to IFPRI, Dr. Diao was an assistant professor of applied economics at the University of Minnesota, stationed at the Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Prior to that, in the late 1980s, she was division director and assistant director general of the Economic Reform Institute of China in Beijing. Xinshen has received the University of Minnesota’s 2018 Distinguished Leadership Award for Internationals that recognizes her outstanding achievements and scholarly work which have played a critical role in improving the lives of the world’s most underprivileged people. She also won the 2018 Outstanding Alumni Award from the Department of Applied Economics of the University of Minnesota.

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Agapi L. Somwaru
Dr. A. Somwaru, retired, Senior Agricultural Economist at the Economic Research Service (ERS), U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and consultant. She has established a reputation as an expert in economic modelling include independent complex research and analyses. Her work focuses on the area of applied agricultural trade and policy research. Prior to her public service, Dr. Somwaru was a Lecturer at the Department of Economics, University of Connecticut where she taught International Trade and Finance. She received her Ph.D. and M.Sc. in agricultural economics from the University of Connecticut, and her B.Sc. (Honors) in agricultural sciences from the University of Thessaloniki, Greece.  Dr. Somwaru has published many referred articles in the most recognized journals and co-authored several books.


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联系人:何淑霞 老师
