一、 Online and Written Submission Process
1、Dissertation (Thesis) Defense Regulations:
(1) The student is allowed to attend thesis/dissertation defense only if all credits, book reports, doctoral qualification procedure (only doctoral students), thesis proposal, pre-dissertation defense (only doctoral students) and main thesis are completed;
(2) Thesis/dissertation topic and the topic of thesis/dissertation proposal have to be the same;
(3) Thesis/dissertation has to be written in accordance with the requirements and format prescribed by the department;
(4) Thesis/dissertation has to be written in accordance with the requirements and format prescribed by the University.
2、 Online Submission Process:
(1) The student shall login into the Postgraduate Students System, enter education process (培养过程) in the “education section” (培养) and fill the whole information concerning student's book reports (读书报告) in this section. When the information is input completely, please save the Zhejiang University Postgraduate Student Book Report Form (浙江大学研究生读书报告) directly from the system and print it.
Also the student shall enter Dissertation Proposal Section (开题报告), input information concerning thesis/dissertation proposal and print it in the form of the Zhejiang University Master's/Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral Dissertation) Proposal Form directly from the system.
(2) The student shall login into the Postgraduate Students System, enter Degree Section (学位) and chose “Check Application Status” (申请状态查询). Please fill required information (“Applicant’s Information”, “Achievements in Scientific Research”, “Thesis Submission”) step by step, and print it directly from the system.Please pay attention, if the information input correctly and confirmed by the system, the line from red color turns green, otherwise the student cannot print the forms.
①Please fill carefully Applicant's Information (学位上报信息) section and check it before the submission (all applicant's information from this section shall be sent to the General Office of the Academic Degree Committee of the State Council of China, therefore all mistakes in provided information can impact on student's degree certificate and degree accreditation in student's country). In the line “是否按一级学科授予” please chose No (否).
② In “Achievements in Scientific Research” (科研成果) section please input all information concerning the student’s academic achievements such as publication and thesis researches, check carefully it and submit.
③In “Thesis Submission” (学位论文信息) section please fill all required information: “Thesis Topic”, “Main Innovation” and other sections (please pay attention that this information has to be input correctly in accordance with the system’s requirements otherwise the student cannot print out necessary forms and documents for graduation procedure such as “Graduate Students Thesis Review Form” (学位论文评阅意见书), “Degree Application Form” (学位申请表) and etc). After submission of the information, the student shall upload the final corrected electronic version of the thesis/dissertation (see picture below). Once you electronic thesis/dissertation has been uploaded, your supervisor will be notified and needs to confirm the thesis/dissertation in the system, otherwise the student cannot complete thesis submission process.
④ Please print directly next documents from the qualification section (资格审查): Zhejiang University Doctoral/Master’s Degree Application Form” (浙江大学博士/硕士学位申请表) and “Zhejiang University Doctoral/Master’s Degree Thesis Review Submission Form” (浙江大学博士/硕士学位论文隐名评阅意见书).
二、Written Submission Process:
1、 The students shall submit all their academic scientific researches and publications on which the thesis is based on (original and one hard copy) to postgraduate office of the applicant's academic department for examination and verification;
2、 Doctoral students have to submit at least 6 book reports (electronic version) and hard copies of “Zhejiang University Postgraduate Students Book Reports Form” (浙江大学研究生读书报告) signed by the student’s supervisor; Master’s students have to submit at least 4 book reports (electronic version) and hard copies of “Zhejiang University Postgraduate Students Book Reports Form”(浙江大学研究生读书报告) signed by the student’s supervisor;
3、 In order to apply for the thesis/dissertation review, the students have to provide next documents to postgraduate office of the applicant's academic department:
ü 2 hard copies of Zhejiang University Doctoral/Master’s Degree Application Form” (浙江大学博士/硕士学位申请表),
ü 1 hard copy of Authorization Statement;
ü 2 applicant’s final doctoral/master’s thesis manuscripts (1 anonymous hard copies and one named hard copy of the thesis).
4、The postgraduate office of the applicant's academic department assistswith the applicant’s material review, examination and verification procedure. The postgraduate office is responsible for sending and receiving the applicant’s documents and submits the reviewing results into the postgraduate student system;
5、If the student successfully completes the thesis/dissertation review procedure, he/she allowed to attend thesis/dissertation defense procedure. If there is any recommendation and suggestion for improvement of the student's thesis/dissertation, the student shall carefully revise his/her thesis/dissertation in accordance with the expert's opinion;
6、If the thesis/dissertation defense procedure is successfully completed, the student shall revise his/her thesis/dissertation in accordance with all recommendations given by the academic committee and fill in “Zhejiang University Final Revised Doctoral/Master’s Thesis Manuscripts Form” (浙江大学博士/硕士学位论文修改定稿审核表). Please, print out the form and revised thesis only after supervisor’s conformation;
7、Revised final thesis/dissertation (doctoral students - 1 hard copies, master’s students - 1 hard copies) shall be printed and submitted to the postgraduate office of the applicant's academic department.
1、deadline of Online Submission Process:Mar.30
2、deadline of Written Submission Process:Please submit paper materials when students return to school.
Dissertation’s Structure:
Dissertation has three major divisions: the front matter, the body matter, and the back matter.
1 、The Front Matter:
(1) Front Cover;
(2) Title Page;
(3) Title Page in English (optional for Master's student);
(4) Copyright Page (Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Form);
(5) Committee Approval Page (optional);
(6) Acknowledgment;
(7) Preface (optional);
(8) Abstract;
(9) Table of Contents;
(10) List of Figures and Tables (optional);
(11) List of Abbreviations, List of Symbols and Glossary of Terms (optional).
2、The Body Matter:
(1) Introduction;
(2) Main Body;
(3) Conclusion.
3 、The Back Matter:
(1) Reference List/Bibliography;
(2) Appendices (optional);
(3) Index (optional);
(4) Author’s Publications or other Academic Achievements;
(5) Back Cover.
General Format Requirements
1 The Front matter:
(1) Front Cover: includes call number, degree of secrecy, unit code, author's number, school name, school logo, dissertation title in Chinese and English languages, author's full name, supervisor's full name, student's major, academic discipline and time of dissertation submission (please, see Appendix 2.1.1. Front Cover Sample).
①Call Number:please choose the call number from the library system of China in accordance with your thesis research direction.
②Degree of Secrecy: Only dissertations related to the national defense projects should be provided with the degree of secrecy determined by the secret level and the duration of confidentiality. In other cases, please do not fill this section.
③Unit Code:10335.
④Author’s Number:Full-time students shall fill his/her ID number; applicants for the equivalent degree shall input the applicant number.
⑤Dissertation title:The title should be indicative of the content of the text of the student's dissertation, generally should not exceed 25 Chinese characters. Dissertation title in English should be shorter and not exceed 150 letters. If it is necessary, the student can add a subtitle.
⑥Student's major and academic discipline:Students have to fill academic discipline and major in accordance with the information given by China Academic Degree and Graduate Education Catalog.
(2) Title Page: includes dissertation title in Chinese and English languages, supervisor’sand author’s signatures, the academic committee experts’ full names including experts’ work units and positions, full names of the chairman and all members ofthe Dissertation Committee including their work units and positions,dissertation defense date (please, see Appendix 2.1.2. Title Page Sample (Chinese)).
(3) Title page in English: repeats the whole information from the title page translated in English (please, see Appendix 2.1.3. Title Page Sample (English).
(4) Copyright page:as author, the student must certify that any copyrighted material used in his/her dissertation, beyond brief excerpts, is with the written permission of the copyright owner or has specified references. Also the student shall delegate dissertation copyright to the Zhejiang University (please, see Appendix 2.1.4. Copyright page (Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)).
(5) Acknowledgment: in the acknowledgement the student can thank the people who have help and contributed to his/her research by providing academic supervision, support and etc.
(6) Preface page: thesis preface or foreword generally includes theauthor’s brief introductionof the basic aspects of his/her dissertation, main idea and purposes, research background and significance, funding, cooperation and etc.This page is not required and can be a part of the main introduction.
(7) Abstract: divides into two parts in Chinese and in English. The abstract should be a concise statement of the nature and content of the dissertation. It should be a continuous summary highlighting brief description of the main ideas and purpose of research, introducing innovations and main achievements, indicating its theoretical and practical significance, representing basic research contents and methods. It is inappropriate to include formulas, graphics, tables or any other figures in the abstract, and please do not use citations. Doctoral dissertation’s abstract is usually near 500-1000 words and master’s theses’ abstract is near 300-500 words. English part of the abstract has to repeat Chinese version. Also the abstract should be ending with the main key words outlining semantic representation of the research.
(8)Table of Contents: it is important that the Table of Contents accurately reflects the outline and organization of the manuscript. It should include abstract, chapter titles of the text (and any sections/subsections you choose to include), Bibliography/References, List of Tables (if any), List of Figures (if any), Appendices (if any), comments to text and etc. Wording in the Table of Contents must be exactly the same as the chapter or text headings. Page numbers must be accurate (please, see Appendix 2.1.8. Table of Contents Sample).
(9) List of Figures and Tables: contains all tables, maps, graphs, illustrations or photographs in the student’s dissertation. Lists of Table and/or Figures (if used) follow the Table of Contents page. Title, order number and page number (as they appear in the text) should be given for each table or figure.For example, a list of Illustrations is usually titled simply “Illustrations”, but appears as “List of Illustrations” in the table of contents. A list of tables (usually titled just “Tables” but entered in the table of contents as “List of Tables”) contains all tables and their page numbers.
(10) List of Abbreviations, List of Symbols and Glossary of Terms: The list of abbreviation contains all the abbreviations used in the body text of the dissertation, listed in an alphabetical order. Glossary of terms contains all terms used in the dissertation and its definitions. If there are any symbols in the main text of the dissertation, it is better to enumerate it in the list of symbols.
2 The Body Matter:
The body matter contains the main text of the dissertation (introduction, main body and conclusion). It is commonly divided into chapters, subchapters and divisions, if necessary.Each chapter shall begin on a new page and its title should provide a reasonable clue to the contents of the chapter.
(1) General Requirements:
①Introduction: introduces main research purposes, process and methods; represents historical review, literature review and theoretical analysis divided into separate chapters.
②Main Body: because of different disciplines, research topics and methods, main body of students’ dissertation can be diversified and varied, thus the school cannot suggest a unified regulations and requirements. Nevertheless, the main body of the dissertation has to be well-structured and includes reliable data, graphs, and tables. Students should use written language and avoid any emotionally-tingedlowered vocabulary, the dissertation should be written in academic voice. The dissertation should containfounded inferences, arguments, rational explanations and proper description of new concepts, new terms or terminology.
Figures: should be self-evident and clear. Figures contain diagrams, maps, block or flow diagrams, record charts, graphs, illustrations or photographs (should have an appropriate size). Heading and order number should be given for each figure and placed at the bottom of the figure.
Tables: should be self-evident, simple and clear. All tables should bear their identifying numbers and caption placed at the top of the tables. Tables numbering must be either continuous throughout the dissertation or by chapter. Tables shall be well-arranged.Figures must be placed as close as possible to their first mention in the text. They may be placed on a page with no text above or below, or they may be placed directly into the text. Short tables may be placed on the same page as text. Two blank lines are left between the table number and text above. Two blank lines are left between the table and text below. Two or more short tables (continued tables) should appear on the same page to avoid unnecessary white space or also can be placed on separate pages too. Continued tableshall repeat its title. Long tables have to be placed on the separate page. Tables may be placed in landscape orientation. The page number must be placed at the bottom center as though the page is in portrait orientation and the table number and title are oriented to the binding side of the document.
Formulas:If there are any formulas in the dissertation, please add adequate and consistent space both above and below equations or formulas to set it into the text. All formulas have to be numbered in Arabic numerals beginning with “1”. Formulas should be placed in parentheses near the right margin of the page and align them consistently throughout the dissertation. If there is a long formula and needs to be moved to the next line, please break it by the mathematical character “=” or “+”、“-”“×”、“/”.
Quotation marks: all references and quoted material should be standardized throughout the dissertation in accordance with “National Standard of the People’s Republic of China GB/T 7714-2005: Rules for Content, Form and Structure of Bibliographical References”.
If a quotation exceeds six lines, it should be single-spaced and set off from the text with an indentation of an additional 0.5” on both the right and left, measured from the right and left margins. No quotation marks are to be used in this case.
Notes:Textual notes that provide words or phrases, explanations, bibliographic reference, supplementary information, opinions, or suggestions that are not part of the text must appear at the bottom of the page as a footnote. Footnote numbering can be continuous throughout the dissertation, or may start again for each chapter or page.
(2) Chapter and Figures Numbering
①Chapter Numbering:
Long chapters can be divided into sections, which can be further divided into subsections and sub-subsections. All chapters and sections have to be numbered by Arabic numerals. Students shall use the multiple numeration system, where the number of each division is preceded by the numbers of the higher divisions: “1”, “1.1”, “1.1.1”. Also there have to be one whitespace between the name and the number of the chapter. Each of chapter or sections (subsections) should be formatted differently and begin with a new line, for example:
②Figures and Tables Numbering:
All tables, maps, graphs, illustrations or photographs should bear their identifying numbers. The number should coincide with the chapter (or section/subsection) in which the table/figure appears. For example, the first figure in Chapter 1 would be labeled Figure 1.1; the second figure in Chapter 2 would be labeled Figure 2.2 and etc. Thus, the dissertation cannot contain two figures named in the same way, for example caption “Table 2.1.” cannot appear twice in the text. Figure and table headings and captions should be written as “Figure 2.1. Figure caption.”
③Page Numbering and Running Title:
Each page in the thesis or dissertation should be assigned a number. For front matter, use small Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, iv, etc.). The numbering begins with ii; the title page counts as page i, but please do not list a page number on the title page; page numbering should begin on the page after—usually the copyright or abstract page. The body matter’s chapters should be numbered in Arabic numerals. Page numbers have to be centered at the bottom of the page in the same font as the text throughout the whole dissertation.
Starting with Introduction Page the student’s dissertation shall contain special running title continuing throughout the whole text of the dissertation. The running title should be written in fifthsMS Song type, on the left side should be “浙江大学博/硕士学位论文” and on the opposite right side on the same line should be the name of the student’s dissertation in Chinese language (for example, please see below).
(3) Conclusion: is the final general conclusion of the whole student’s research.It includes main ideas and core understandings, contribution and findings, scientific investigation and solutions to problems stated in the dissertations. Conclusion shall be concise and clear, complete and accurate, should avoid the same information from the abstract or introduction. If the student cannot complete a certain conclusion, he/she has to provide discussion on the dissertation topic.
3 The Back Matter:
(1) Reference List/Bibliography: should indicate all materials used in the dissertation. Bibliographies, references, and works citedshould be place at the end of the work. Reference materials should be listed according to the alphabetical order of the authors’ names and should be standardized throughout the dissertation in accordance with “National Standard of the People’s Republic of China GB/T 7714-2005: Rules for Content, Form and Structure of Bibliographical References”.
专(译)著:序号作者(译者)书名. 出版地:出版者,出版年,起止页码
学位论文:序号作者文题 [XX学位论文] 授予单位所在地 授予单位 授予年份 起止页码
(2) Appendices (Appendix): contain reference materials that are not necessary to the main text, but still can be important for more detailed understanding of research, or need more space than the main body can provide. Appendices are optional and not required, generally follows after the last chapter of the text. Appendices can include some thesis materials that can be incorporated into the text, but omitted from the main text. Such material can provide more information, research methods and techniques giving more logical and detailed understanding of the dissertation.Appendices typically contain supporting material such as original data, data sheets, important mathematical derivation, diagrams, statistics, surveys, questionnaire samples, illustrations, maps, charts, computer printouts and programs and etc. Appendixes must have name and descriptive title.
(3) Index:if it necessary, students can provide classified index or keyword index in the end of the dissertation.
(4) Author’s Resume: includes author’s education and work experience, his/her publications or other academic achievements.
PS: Please cite any works you refer to, using footnotes or any standard citation system (e.g, Chicago Style, APA style, guidelines to which can be found online). Please be consistent when you cite and do not mix those styles.