主讲人:Tom Christensen
汤姆•克里斯滕森教授(Tom Christensen)是挪威奥斯陆大学政治学系(Department ofPolitical Science, University of Oslo)的终身教授,中国人民大学公共管理学院特聘教授,以及挪威国家科学院院士。他的研究兴趣包括公共部门改革、公共组织理论、组织声誉管理、危机管理等,研究领域涉及公共部门改革、全球化、问责、福利、移民、大学治理、医疗、政策、安全管理等。他是国际知名的公共管理学者,也是非常高产的研究人员。他在国际主流公共管理期刊发表高水平研究论文上百篇,并出版专著和教材十余部。他合著的论文曾获有国际行政学界的“诺贝尔奖”之称的国际行政院校联合会皮埃尔·德·塞勒奖(Pierre De Celles Award)。他对中国公共部门改革持续关注,并频繁往返于挪威与中国。他积极通过组织青年学者国际论文发表工作坊等平台,培养和推动中国公共管理学者“走出去”。
时间 | 题目 | 主持人 | 腾讯会议 | |
第一讲 | 12月1日 星期二 下午15:00 | Theories of decision-making in public organizations | 高 翔 副教授 | 991700683 |
第二讲 | 12月2日 星期三 下午15:00 | Comparative public sector reforms | 邵 立 研究员 | 192290585 |
第三讲 | 12月8日 星期二 下午15:00 | The administrative burden in public service provisions | 黄 飚 研究员 | 355477967 |
第四讲 | 12月9日 星期三 下午15:00 | Reputation management in public organizations | 谈 婕 副研究员 | 586125360 |
Journal of Chinese Governance编辑部
Theories of decision-making in public organizations
This lecture covers three perspectives from organization theory. First, an instrumental-structural perspective, based in the works on bounded rationality by Herbert Simon, where it’s presupposed that public leaders have relatively clear intentions, good knowledge and control over decision-making processes. The perspective comes in two version, one hierarchical and one negotiational. Second, the cultural perspectives deal with the importance of informal norms, path-dependency and cultural compatibility for public decision-making. Third, the myth perspective deals with the importance of general ideas, symbols, fads and fashions in public organizations. The lecture will also give examples of the use of these perspectives in diverse studies.
Comparative public sector reforms
This lecture starts with describing the main features of the two reform waves New Public Management (NPM) and post-NPM, starting in the early 1980s and late 1990s respectively, in Australia and New Zealand. The background and driving forces, main features and effects are discussed. Following this, it will be discussed how China is learning from the West concerning modern public reforms and how much Chinese reforms have typical Chinese characteristics. Finally, perspectives from organization theory will be used to discuss how useful they are for understanding comparative public sector reform in general and reforms in China more specifically.
The administrative burden in public service provisions
The lecture starts with defining what is meant by administrative burden in public service provisions, followed by different aspects of burdens, including burdens related to policy design and implementation. Then different type of costs that are experienced by users of services are outlined – learning costs, compliance costs and psychological costs. Administrative burdens are related to the differentiated role of diverse stakeholders and the encounters they experience and these are further discussed. At the end, organization theory perspectives on administrative burdens will be discussed. Several examples will also be provided.
Reputation management in public organizations
The lecture starts with discussing what is typical for reputation and reputation management in public organizations, including what the diverse theoretical background is in different fields. This is followed by outlining the main types of reputation proposed by Carpenter–performative, moral, professional/ technical and judicial. Then the challenges of balancing the symbols are discussed. Further on, what is characterizing reputation management in comparative perspective is discussed, and some main results from a study of universities in China, US and the Nordic countries are discussed.