l 时间:2021年05月19日(星期三),18:30-20:00
19May2021 (Wednesday)18:30-20:00
l 地点:紫金港校区公共管理学院112室
Room 112, School of Public Affairs, Zijingang Campus
l 主讲嘉宾:巴里·布赞教授(英国国家学术院院士、伦敦政治经济学院IDEAS高级研究员,前伦敦政治经济学院蒙塔股·伯顿国际关系教授)
l 主持人:崔顺姬,浙江大学公共管理学院国际关系教授
l 承办:
讲座内容:This lecture looks at China’s encounter with modernity from the 19th century to the present day. It builds on the historical narrative of modernity developed by Buzan and Lawson (2015), and two theoretical perspectives: uneven and combined development, and differentiation theory. It opens with a short history of modernity, establishing that it is not a static phenomenon, but a continuously unfolding process. It then explores five periods of China’s encounter with modernity: imperial decline and resistance to modernization; civil war and Japanese invasion; Mao’s radical communist project; Deng’s market socialism; and Xi’s attempt to synthesize Confucius, Mao, and Deng. It explores both how China fits into the general trajectory of modernity, and how it has evolved from rejection of it to constructing its own distinctive version of ‘modernity with Chinese characteristics’. It ends by reflecting on what issues remain within China’s version of modernity, and how it fits, and doesn’t fit with other forms of modernity already established within global international society
主讲嘉宾简介:Barry Buzan is Emeritus Professor of International Relations at the LSE (formerly Montague Burton Professor); honorary professor at Copenhagen, Jilin, and China Foreign Affairs Universities, and at the University of International Relations (Beijing); a Senior Fellow at LSE Ideas; and a Fellow of the British Academy. He has written, co-authored or edited over thirty books, written or co-authored over one hundred and sixty articles and chapters, and lectured, broadcast or presented papers in over twenty countries. In addition to theory, he has engaged in the public policy debates about security in Europe, South Asia, Southern Africa and East Asia. His current research interests focus on: 1) International society, and the English school approach to International Relations; 2) International history and International Relations; 3) China and international society. Books including:Contesting International Society in East Asia (2014,co-edited with Yongjin Zhang); An Introduction to the English School of International Relations: The Societal Approach (2014);The Global Transformation: History, Modernity and the Making of International Relations (2015,with George Lawson); Global International Society: A New Framework for Analysis (2018, with Laust Schouenborg); The Making of Global International Relations: Origins and Evolution of IR at its Centenary (2019, with Amitav Acharya);Rethinking Sino-Japanese Alienation:History Problems and Historical Opportunities (2020, with Evelyn Goh)etc.
巴里·布赞是英国伦敦政治经济学院名誉教授(前蒙塔股·伯顿国际关系教授);哥本哈根大学、吉林大学、中国外交学院、国际关系学院名誉教授;伦敦政治经济学院IDEAS高级研究员;英国国家学术院院士。出版专著、合著、编著三十多本,发表学术论文编著章节(包括合作发表)160多篇,并在二十多个国家作过学术演讲、接受广播等媒体采访。除了理论研究之外,布赞教授还参与了有关欧洲、南亚、南非和东亚安全的公共政策辩论。目前的研究主要涉及:1)国际社会和国际关系的英国学派;2)国际历史与国际关系;3)中国与国际社会。著有:《竞争中的东亚国际社会(Contesting International Society in East Asia)》(2014,与张勇进合编);《英国学派理论导论(An Introduction to the English School of International Relations: The Societal Approach)》(2014);《全球转型:历史、现代性与国际关系的形成(The Global Transformation: History, Modernity and the Making of International Relations)》(2015,与乔治·劳森合著);《全球国际社会:一种新的分析框架(Global International Society: A New Framework for Analysis)》(2018年,与劳斯特·肖恩伯格合著);《全球国际关系的形成:百年之际的国际关系起源与演变(The Making of Global International Relations: Origins and Evolution of IR at its Centenary)》(2019年,与阿米塔夫·阿查亚合著);《反思中日疏离:历史问题与历史机遇(Rethinking Sino-Japanese Alienation:History Problems and Historical Opportunities)》(2020,与吴翠玲合著)等。