UN Peace Keeping and Token Forces Deployments 联合国维和行动中的象征部队部署--国际事务与全球治理前沿系列讲座


讲座题目:UN Peace Keeping and Token Forces Deployments联合国维和行动中的象征部队部署


演讲人 SpeakerProfessor Xiaojun Li李晓隽教授

与谈人 DiscussantProfessor Xiaoqin Shi 师小芹教授

主持人 Moderator: Doctor Li Shao 邵立 研究员

时间 TimeMarch 24 14:00-16:00

地点 LocationRoom 112, School of Public Affairs公共管理学院112

Xiaojun Li李晓隽教授

演讲人简介 SpeakerDr. Li got his PhD degree from Stanford University. He is an associate professor of University of British Columbia and New York University Shanghai. His research expertise is in comparative political economy, international relations, and international security. He has published four academic books and 30+ academic papers in a variety of journals, including Journal of Politics, International Studies Quarterly, International Affairs, and Studies in Comparative International Development.


内容简介 IntroductionBased on his recent book, Dr Li will discuss how and whytoken forces, tiny national troop in much larger coalitions have become ubiquitous in UN peacekeeping. With a variety of empirical evidence, Dr Li will introduce how such trend impacts the mission of peacekeeping, military coalitions, and norms in international organizations.



ZJU Research Institute of Politics 浙江大学政治学研究所

ZJU Research Center of International Development and Governance 浙江大学国际发展与治理研究中心