










韩荣斌,佐治亚大学国际事务学院副教授,于2012年在加州大学伯克利分校获得博士学位,研究兴趣包括抗争政治、媒体与网络政治,以及中国的公民参与。著作有0nlineExpression and Authoritarian Resilience (Columbia University Press, 2018),Directed Digital Dissidence in Autocracies: How China Wins Online (OxfordUniversity Press,2023)。韩教授常年在The China Quarterly, Journal ofContemporary China, Journal ofchinese Political Science, Political ResearchQuarterly等知名SSCI期刊上发表期刊论文。


What would you do if you could have an opportunity to change history? The question is tempting, yet notguite new to keen readers of Chinese internet novels. In fact, milions of Chinese netizens are exploringsimilar questions through a specific genre of internet literature, the alt-history fictions, in which theyfantasize going back in history and transforming China militarily, politically, economically, and socially. indoing so, ordinary Chinese netizens imagine how they would shape history to “ make China great again "(MCGA) were they ever offered the opportunity. How to make sense of this popular cultural consumeristphenomenon and its political implications? Based on extensive online ethnography and systematiccontent analysis, this talk discusses the production and consumption of the MCGA fictions, revealing howinternet literature has become a commodified political field that not only exposes citizens to digital culturalconsumerist experiences, but hosts the ideational neaotiationand contestation between citizens and thestate in China, a process that may potentially lead to therise of digital cultural hegemony under whichauthoritarian rule gains popular consent

Rongbin Han, PhD from the University of California, Berkeley, is currently an Associate Professolin the School of International Affairs at the University of Georgia, where his research interestsinclude the politics of resistance, media and cyberpolitics, and civic engagement in China.