Academy of Social Governance, Zhejiang University


Zhejiang University has a profound research foundation in social governance. In 2006, the Research Center of Social Organization and Social Governance was established in Zhejiang University. During the first session of World Zhejiang Entrepreneurs Convention in 2011, Zhejiang University jointly established the Research Institute of Zhejiang Business Association Development with Zhejiang Federation of Industry and Commerce. In 2017, The Research Center of Social Organization and Social Governance of Zhejiang University was approved as the 2011 Collaboration and Innovation Centerof Zhejiang Province. In July 2018, the Academy of Social Governancewas officially established as an independent research institution of Zhejiang University. In December 2019, the Academy of Social Governance Zhejiang University was selected as a source member of China Think Tank Index (CTTI), with its exponential model “Development and Application of China County Level Social Governance Index Model” selected as the annual “Outstanding Think Tank Achievement”. In June 2020, the Academy of Social Governance Zhejiang University was approved as a New Priority Professional Think Tank of Zhejiang Province.

The Academy of Social Governance Zhejiang University aims to lead, advocate and impact the research on social governance in China, and provide policy advocacy for improving and innovating social governance and building a social governance pattern of co-construction, co-governance and shared benefits. The four main research areas of the Academy are: Theory Innovation of Social Governance, Law of Social Governance, Social Organizations and Social Governance, and Grass-roots Social Governance. Currently, it consists of five research centers: Charity Development Center, Ningbo Center, Jiaxing Center, County Medical Community Research Center, and Hangzhou Future Community Research Center. The Academy edits and publishes Journal of Chinese Governance and Reports on Social Governance. Journal of Chinese Governance was included in the SSCI in July 2020, providing an important platform for reporting and case-sharing about the academy and practice of Chinese Governance. Until to September 2020, the Report on Social Governance has been compiled and issued for 35 issues and received more than 50 instructions from governors at or above the provincial level.